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« Capetown Here I Am Again | Main | Back In The Saddle Again..Good Old Capetown »

August 27, 2011


I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. I'm thinking of you and praying for the best.
Rebecca Salem
Alex, There are no words to express how sad I am for you. Really and truly. I haven't written until now because I honestly don't know what to say to even make a dent. I will say this. I know what it's like to have to reconcile with future plans and expectations. There is no way we can ever know which direction our lives will take. That book I told you about is a must read for you, especially now. It helped me to understand what little contol we have over our lives and come to terms with the helplessness that follows. We will pow wow when you you get back. The book is called "Messages from the Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss. My heart bleeds for you and you are in my prayers big time.
We share your pain at home too!!! We love you and look forward to you coming home safely, back to family, back to a wholly loving and supporting environment. I miss you very much and now that im taking a much-needed break from work, am taking the time to feel into the pain of loss, of the pain that you felt while so far from home. I feel sad that I couldn't be there to give u a chair-sit style hug that you really needed seemingly many times throughout your trip, especially now. While I know Karole is a great comfort to you, god knows that you need much more and we look forward to sharing in mourning with u when you return. Love u!

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