Or at the very least just a light ride. I am in South Africa. Yes, again. Yes, after my epic fail of empty follicle syndrome which I am still amazed at my beautiful luck just three short months ago. I mean a girl can only get so lucky right?
Right. But this time I am using an egg donor! Yay me congratulations I have now worked all levels of infertility. Mad skillzzz. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. I am proud I hopped back on that tin can of an airplane with ptsd of the last 30 hour flying time with pizazz. Three months later I sit here in Camps Bay in the same bed no less typing away to you.
So not much can go wrong with an egg donor, right? Oh but this is your infertile gourmet with an epic infertile journey. We were supposed to have retrieved this morning. But....wait for it.....wait for it......MY DONOR FORGOT TO TAKE HER TRIGGER!!!!
True. No really.. I am not making this shit up. I swear. And guess what else.....I STARTED BLEEDING albeit a little but I really could do without the stress and falling on the side of crazy shit luck.
Did I ever mention I was struck by lightning...twice. Ok so it was not the direct hit where my brain fries a new ability to see dead people but was enough to burn hair and leave a mark...both times. Yes, I do recommend staying away from me in a storm.
Yet, the crazy is that I am terribly lucky too. That is what I am struggling with presently. I do not feel unlucky. I feel like a blessed soul with a path that has never unwound into easy or typical. Extra-ordnary comes to mind. I have had amazing opportunities, travel, a husband who I love and loves me more, a fab adopted girl who is a blessing (yeah cumbaya and shit here because that is how I feel), and the most amazing uplifting and supportive friends who come through my mist and hold me up when I did not even know I needed holding. And they just do it. Because they love me. I am loved.
Gratitude. How can I not recognize the shit on the platter that I get served from the universe but with one swipe of divinity the universe provides the answer. I dont know what is going to happen tomorrow...the new retrieval day. I dont know if I will stop bleeding out a perfectly good lining. But I know as I drive over that mountain in Cape town tomorrow it will be an adventure, adrenalized to the tenth power adventure. Please fasten seat belts and hold on tight.
Because I dont do it any other way.
Posted by: Julie | December 08, 2011 at 06:52 AM
Posted by: classic restoration | December 20, 2011 at 08:24 AM